My dream of participating in an internet competition of cakes based on clever t-shirts has finally come true. It's been realized thanks to Threadcakes and "Lemon Aid."
The cake was inspired by the adorable and gruesome paramedic lemons rushing to the aid of a injured lemon with more than just a flesh wound. I like to think that in the end, our little juicy lemon friend was saved.
I used a box cake in the interest of time, but it was still delicious and covered in homemade buttercream frosting. Behold, the artist's process:
Cover in fondant.
And voila! (Just add lemon blood.)
We had cake in celebration of the Dairyland Dolls' decisive victory over the Brew City Bruisers. It tasted like victory. Threadcakes wanted photos of everything, up through shoving the knife in and enjoying delicious cake. So here it is, the moment I stab it to death:
And then Tommy noms a lemon.
Then we're done! (Poor little fella.)